Lion & Lamb Karate Kids, LLC is the only martial arts organization recognized and sanctioned by Karate for Christ International and Seishin-Do Karate Seishoku-Kai to teach, promote and certify all Kyu grades and Dan ranks in the Martial Art style of Heion Shin Budo. It is also sanctioned by Seishin-Do Karate Seishoku-Kai to teach and promote the styles of Christian-Ha ShuHaRi Shito-Ryu, Christian-Ha Shito-Ryu, and Christian-Ryu Goshin-Budo as created and taught by Michael Lewis-Shihan, 7th-Dan. Any Kyu grade or Dan rank issued for these styles by any other organization, dojo, or instructor that is not a certified member or instructor of these organizations should not be recognized as being legitimate.
Any organizations, dojo, or instructor stating such a claim of style, system, or lineage connection to any of the above styles cannot claim legitimate succession, specifically to the gendai style of Heion Shin Budo as founded and taught by Barry Bandy-Kaicho. Lion & Lamb Karate Kids, LLC maintains exclusive rights over the logos, wording, and teaching of Heion Shin Budo. The use of same in whole or in part, by persons (instructors) or organizations not in association, affiliation, or authorized with, or by Lion & Lamb Karate Kids is not authorized or recognized by the organization.
Unaffiliated organizations, instructors, dojos or individuals are not authorized to teach or promote within this style or use the history of Barry Bandy-Kaicho or that of Lion & Lamb Karate Kids to claim any connection or legitimacy of their Kyu grade, Dan rank, or their style. Neither shall they display any lineage chart in their dojos or on their web sites to imply a legitimacy connection to their style of martial arts.
If you have any concerns or questions about our legitimacy, please direct them to the attention of Barry Bandy-Kaicho.
Barry T. Bandy-Kaicho, Shihan 5th-Dan.
Kaicho, Lion & Lamb Karate Kids, LLC